
Cruise book photo

After a “wonderful” week in Subic Bay, Biddle made the short trip to Manila, capital of the Philippines, on 10 August 1969. It was a brief visit — three days. We anchored in the outer harbor, which meant we used the liberty boat to get to and from shore.

Manila was in many ways a major step up from Olongapo, but it had its own particular charms. On our first night, I joined Ensign Graham and LTJG Meyers in a visit to “The Nile.” According to my journal, “The guy outside knocked twice on the wall, twice on the door, another guy peeked out, and opened up.” When you went in, there was a sign: “Please deposit your firearms at desk.” 

The Nile was a casino. We left. We finished the evening at the Manila Hilton.

On the middle day of our three, had the duty.

Here’s a gallery of cruise book photos of Manila.

Ensigns Roberts and Graham joined me on a walk around downtown Manila on 12 August. We decided to lunch at the Army-Navy Club. Very “colonial” atmosphere and look. ENS Roberts, I assume, took this picture there.

Later, I connected with the officer-in-charge of our spook squad and we went to the Sheraton to catch an Australian singer, Wilma Reading.

My journal for that night, obviously written another day, notes that witnesses reported that upon arrival at the ship I had something of a kerfuffle with the OOD about my willingness to give up a lifejacket I had used as a pillow on my ride back to the ship.

Time to get back to business. We left Manila on 13 August to return to the line.